Return & Exchanges

We hope you love our product but if for any reason you wish to return it, please return the items to us within 30 days and we'll offer you a full refund. If you have any issues with your product, please contact us and we will be happy to provide you with the best solution.

1. Returned Goods

All goods must be returned in the original packaging, in perfect condition and unopened. Mossodor declines any responsibility for any defects caused as a result of the product having been repaired, altered, serviced or modified.

Specially ordered products cannot be cancelled within 24hrs of receiving the order and under no circumstances be returned.

2. Upon receiving of Delivery

The customer is responsible for checking all delivered or collected goods for any discrepancies or damages. We would love to say that there is never a problem with a delivery and for 99% of our deliveries that is true, but even with our checks and procedures in place a problem can arise.

Our transportation partners usually provide a doorstep delivery. What this means is that they will come to the nearest access point to your home address and you will be required to collect from there. If your shipment contains a pallet, you must collect the individual packages from the pallet into your home.

3. Can I return a customised fixture?

Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on customised orders as they are tailor-made to the customer's specific needs/preferences. If you are not satisfied with your order, please reach out to us via email and we will try our best to help!

All returned items are to be sent back in original packaging and in a resalable condition. We have the right to refuse if these terms are not met.